What Not to Post on FaceBook

A close relative of mine just had a medical issue and went into the hospital.  It is a very serious issue.  Another relative of mine then posted on FaceBook the cause of that medical issue and asked for prayers.

So what did the FaceBook poster do wrong here?

The person posted private medical information out to the world!  Future prospective employers and schools are likely to look up potential employers on FaceBook.  If they see there is a ongoing medical issue they may be less likely to hire the person.  This is true especially for management positions that may require the person to handle more responsibilities.  The employer may think (This person may get sick again and will have to take time off work, We can't have that for this position).

It's never a good idea to post private medical information about another person online unless you have that persons permission to do so. Even if I had permission to post such information I would do my best to talk them out of allowing it.  I once saw a post about someone talking about their friend just having a miscarriage.  Talk about a private matter.

Here are some other things you should consider not posting

Scandals:  This covers everything from my husband or wife is cheating on me down to a friend named XGY was caught doing Blah or was caught stealing.  In general you should never try to degrade someone online.  It's bad etiquette.  While you may of been wronged or the news may be juicy you should refrained from talking bad.  I wish the commandment was not just bear false witness against your neighbor but also not to gossip.

Vacation: When you mention the exact dates you will be gone plenty of other people will see it.  In turn their friends may see it and you have just opened your house up to be robbed.  I'm not saying not to mention going to XYZ but keep the dates private.  It's also a good idea to mention a thanks to someone even if it's fictitious about house setting for them.

Example: We are finally going on vacation in Hawaii soon.  Will be so much fun.  Thanks Michael for house sitting for us while we are gone.  Be sure to place the food up high so the pit bulls don't chew through the metal containers.

So I added the dog part in just for kicks.  The point is not to volunteer your home as vacant while you are gone.

I'm sure I have over looked some other great things NOT to mention.  Help me fill in the gaps by posting a comment.

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