iranian military exemption card

Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply if you believe this information is in error or if you have further questions. ; US 26 Feb. 2014). 21 December 2014. The conscript military service obligation is 18-24 months. Iran has a compulsory military service requirement for all Iranian men when they reach the age of 19. These marriages are performed by ecclesiastical authorities and are not registered with the government. Issuing Authority:Iranian Public Conscription Organization (since 1980), under the Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran (NAJA); Imperial Armed Forces (before 1980). Registration Criteria:Proof of Iranian citizenship. Iranian subjects who live abroad in case of having the following conditions, by paying 10 million Toman can benefit from military services exemption against cash payment. Sina Azodi and Mohsen Solhdoost. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Under the amended law, men of draft age were subject to conscription, whether in war or peace, for a minimum period of two years and could be recalled as needed. }, Page last modified: National Organization for Civil Registration: ( If the original booklet is lost, a handwritten transcript from the registry office may be acceptable (Roonevesht).. "Iran Intends to Extend Duration of Military Service - Commander." (US 26 Feb. 2014). The 1955 U.S.-Iran Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights is now terminated. Alternate Documents: The National Card presents information which is also contained on the Birth Certificate, but the latter is more comprehensive. Registration Criteria: Newborn children; people who are changing their names; people who have lost their original birth certificate; and people who have reached the age of 15 and need to add their photo to the document (if between age 15 and 18, the individuals parent must apply). Diplomatic Sales Tax Exemption Cards The Department's Office of Foreign Missions (OFM) issues diplomatic tax exemption cards to eligible foreign missions and their accredited members and dependents on the basis of international law and reciprocity. Indeed the Iranian diaspora community is one of the most successful ethnic minority groups in the US, with many celebrated scholars, scientists, and academics. Alternate Documents: For mass exemptions, a copy of the exemption announcement and the birth certificate (proof of their condition) can be provided in lieu of exemption card. Procedure for Obtaining:Apply at local registration office. Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. In the United States, enlistments for the Union Army totalled 2,672,341 [2,489,836 white, 178,975 African American, and 3,530 Native American troops], while estimates of enlistment strength for the Confederate Army ranges from 750,000 to 1,227,890. being the only son of the family. Clean record certificates can be obtained in Iran or from Iranian Embassies and Consulates, and the physical appearance of the certificate changes significantly depending on which authority issued it. 26 February 2014. Danish Refugee Council, LANDINFO, Danish Immigration Service. [Accessed 25 Mar. The Main Representative to the UN for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), a Netherlands-based organization founded in 1914 that is "against war and its preparation" with "branches, affiliates and groups in more than 40 countries" who has been monitoring issues of military service and conscientious objection worldwide with a view to reporting [and] briefing treaty bodies and other UN mechanisms and procedures indicated that "there are no provisions for alternate service" in Iran. If you are exempt from the service please provide a copy and certified English translation of your military service exemption card. . The IHRDC indicates that this applies to both secondary and university students that are attending classes (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013). G-4 and G-5 applicants are not required to apply at U.S. Embassy Bern or U.S. Embassy Vienna. Exemptions were given only to solve family problems. "Iran and Israel: Comparing Military Machines." Those who due to weak disposition, growth deficiency or suffering from physical or mental illnesses are temporarily not capable of serving for the mandatory period. 2014], Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC). New military ID cards list the subsection of the law dictating their exemption on their ID cards, which identifies them as gay or transgender and puts them at risk of physical danger and. Depending on their field, those with higher education can end up with higher-status duties. Those seeking relief for medical reasons had to serve but were not sent on combat duty. Compounding this dilemma, many conscripts came from those areas where Persian was not spoken. Indeed, it can be argued that only a small minority of IRGC members, particularly those who served in the elite Quds Forcethe Guards external armparticipate in acts that might be characterized as terrorism or support for terrorism in countries such as Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon. Tehran's forces had more combat experience in mobile conventional warfare than their Gulf Arab rivals, but that experience was rapidly aging. General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". It is slightly smaller in size than the old version and has covers and quality reminiscent of passports. [Accessed 28 Mar. If the candidate gave any suggestive evidence of emotional instability, such as nervousness at the time of examination, sweaty hands, or expressed fears, he was usually rejected. At that time every male person who had reached 21 years old must serve in the military for 2 years. Consequently, the U.S. Department of State no longer has a basis under U.S. law to issue E-1 or E-2 visas to principal applicants who are nationals of Iran. The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad: The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. 2014). In July 2009 the Iranian parliament (Majlis) passed a new bill to cut military service in the country by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees, Iranian Press TV reported on 30 June 2009. Issuing Authority Personnel Title: There is no issuing authority personnel title. Like other Iranian men who seek to come to the United States, I was asked by an immigration officer in 2004 about my prior military service. You accept the use of cookies as per our, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Adrienne Arsht Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East programs, A history of continuity in Irans long nuclear program, An escalating Israel-Iran conflict could sink the JCPOA, How Iranian Phantoms pulled off one of the most daring airstrikes in recent memory, Policy on donor acceptance and disclosure. "Witness Statement of Milad." If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa. The BBC reports that, according to Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( 26 Dec. 2013). "About." "Iran: Transgender People Are No Longer Classified as 'Mentally Sick'." Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. 6 January 2010. UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Booklet Old versions have a red/burgundy cover, handwritten biodata, and manual signatures and stamps. "Iran Cuts Military Service Term." On a case-by-case basis, the Department of State can request that the Department of Homeland Security grant waivers for nonimmigrant visa applicants with past mandatory military service in the IRGC. In general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months and for service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months. Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Exemption cards show the reason for exemption in the usual place of service dates, and these cards also have a different photo border from service cards. New versions have a brown cover for adults, photo, digital biodata, and stronger security features; and a dark green cover without photo for minor children under 15. According to the website of the Iranian Embassy in the UK, the only male child must be over the age of 18 and his father must be over the age of 60; being the sole caretaker of a parent, a minor or ill sibling or ill grandparents or, only children caring for parents; being a man who has demonstrated exceptional scholastic achievement; members of the Basij are exempt from military service, which is a possibility if they are active in the Basij for 5 years or more; those who work in industries vital to the government or military may also be exempt. I am wondering if the military record is a requirement docume. You will not be able to access U.S. or foreign bank accounts using . Types Available (Regular, Diplomatic, Official, etc. The governments 2019/20 budget initially excluded the option for citizens to buy their way out of the draft. Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. The birth certificate booklet and national identification card of the deceased (if available); The birth certificate of the deceaseds spouse (if applicable); and. Document Name:Kart-e Sarbazi (military card); Kart-e Payan-e Khedmat doreye Zaroorat (service completion card); or Kart-e Moafiyat az khedmate doreye zaroorat (exemption card). . (Denmark Feb. 2013, 70). If the person does not return to Iran, the amount is taken by the authorities. . Similarly, Al-Monitor reports that, according to General Kamali, "reduced-time exemptions are still applicable for those who entered military service this Iranian calendar year, which ends March 2014" (19 Dec. 2013). Posts may not issue a T-1 visa. According to estimates, this force, mainly composed of youths, could expand to as many as 1 million members in the event of a national emergency. In Iran's military protocol, homosexuality is defined as a type of mental abnormality, and more specifics are . Visa Classification: The type of nonimmigrant visa you are applying for. (Factiva), _____. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:The card contains a full-face photo (left-aligned), and biodata (right-aligned), including the unique national ID number (different from shenasnameh number), given name, surname, date of birth (Persian calendar), fathers given name, and expiration date. [Accessed 3 Mar. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to join them who are not otherwise exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian spouse of a Mexican national "TN") must obtain nonimmigrant visas. Iranian males 18 to 49 years of age are legally eligible for conscription, for an active service term of 18 months followed by voluntary reserve service. Since a temporary marriage would not be valid for immigration purposes, the applicant should be processed for visa purposes as though unmarried. Treatment of People Who Refuse Military Service. Those dismissed from mandatory military service due to their sexual orientation received special exemption cards indicating the reason for their dismissal. Comments:Military service completion and exemption cards and reliable English translations are readily available in Iran. The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 15:25 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Iran : information sur le service militaire, y compris sur l'ge du recrutement, la dure du service, les motifs d'exemption, la possibilit d'effectuer un service de remplacement et le traitement rserv par les autorits aux personnes qui refusent de faire leur service militaire; information indiquant si des sanctions sont imposes aux objecteurs de conscience, Military service / Conscientious objection / Desertion / Draft evasion / Forced conscription, Persecution on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. A 14 October 2008 article by Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports that, according to the state-run Fars News Agency, General Kamali stated that military service would be reduced by 1 to 2 months, adding "the term was 17 monthsand now it has been cut to 16 months." Temporary student exemptions may also be substantiated by a letter from the conscription authority and proof of the students bond payment to exit Iran. During the Vietnam War (1964-1973) 8,744,000 served, but by the time conscription ended in 1973, only a quarter of elligible males were actually being conscripted. The IHRDC adds that failing to serve without an exemption can also result in "a ban on leaving the country without special permission" (7 Nov. 2013). Some indicate why the cardholder was exempted from military service. Most IRGC draftees end up doing similar jobs, too, including running personal errands for officers. February 2013. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. About 3,000,000 were rejected for physical reasons But it became the rule in many induction centers that if there were any doubt at all as to whether a registrant would perform satisfactorily, he should be rejected. I am from Iranian descent and I left/ fled Iran about 10 years ago when I was around 20 years old. 30 June 2009. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. You need to apply for a visitor record to extend your visitor status. Further information on the implementation of the proposed service extension could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. "Iran May Cut Mandatory Military Service." It could also have meant that conscription was not replacing war losses or retirements. Under the current amnesty plan, citizens who have not reported for compulsory military service for eight years after they first become eligible have until the end of the Iranian year (March 20, 2019) to pay a fine and avoid conscription. MENASource offers the latest news from across the Middle East, combined with commentary by contributors, interviews with emerging players, multi-media content, and independent analysis from fellows and staff. However, because the Department anticipates that virtually all applicants for this special program will be either Irish or U.K. nationals, the Q-2 and Q-3 categories have been placed only in the reciprocity schedules for those two countries. 2012). 2014). . Country of Origin Information Report. Alireza Fazeli Monfared, 20, was executed after they discovered a letter saying he had been exempted from the military service due to his sexuality, according to 6Rang. Document Name:Sanad-e aghd; Sanad Sanad-e ezdevaj (Marriage Certificate), Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar), Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Red/burgundy booklet, off-white pages with handwritten data, Issuing Authority Personnel Title:Notary public. The military exemption cards increase. However, Al Jazeera indicates that the recruitment age is 19 (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. Human Rights Watch adds that gay and transgender Iranians who are exempted from military service "are not immune from harassment and abuse" and that doctors have reportedly pressured gay men seeking exemption to apply for exemption as transsexuals instead (Dec. 2010, 25). Any Iranian man who fails to provide documentation about the status of his military service cannot obtain a passport or conduct legal businesses. What is the general policy for people who wish to obtain visas to come to the United States (U.S.)? Please contact the consular sections in Bern and Vienna for additional details on the application process. 20-07-2019 12:07:30 ZULU, The Iranian Military Under the Islamic Republic, IRAN'S GROUND FORCES: MORALE AND MANPOWER. "Iran." Individuals who have a handicap or suffer from a certain illness and are thus not in a complete state of health, however yet well capable of carrying out non-combat/military-related services in offices. If lost then the applicant should apply for a duplicate shenasnameh. [Accessed 20 Mar. No S visa may be issued without first obtaining the Department's authorization. 2014], British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Issuing Authority:National Organization of Registration of Documents and Property (Sazman-e Sabt-e Asnad va Amlak-e Keshvar). It was considered that by allowing them to leave, the authorities were thereby getting rid of dissent. Those who avoid call-up for military service are considered deserters. According to the IFOR Main Representative to the UN, in Iran, "persons who are unwilling to perform military service, for whatever reason, are either recruited against their will or seek to escape or evade recruitment" (18 Mar. The paper has watermarks, high printing quality and the photograph for individuals over age 15 is printed directly on the document (whereas the old version has a photo affixed and stamped on the main biodata page). Under the 1984 law, draft evaders were subject to restrictions for a period of up to ten years.

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